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Showing posts from 2014

Off the Veggie Cart and Into the Mud (Pie)

Ooooookay. So for two days, I've been immaculate.  Low calories.  Lots of freshly juiced veggies and fruit.  No soda.  A veritable river of fresh water imbibed. And then tonight after picking Son up from his show, we drove through Jack in the Box.  And I ordered ten of everything they ever thought about making, and also two Monster tacos, and what's that? Now you have Reese's peanut butter dream pie?  Sure, no prob, I'll just wash that down with ALL OF THE COKE YOU HAVE IN THAT MACHINE. I shit you not. (fighting... urge... to make... joke about shit... after eating all that... k. I'm good.) So yeah. I'm super disappointed and frustrated.  What the hell is wrong with me? I didn't even feel deprived while I was doing the "right" things, so it isn't that, I don't think.  Stress, maybe, about the flight I have to catch in five hours.  Travel is stressful, and this time in particular is worse, since I'll have to see my mother.