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Showing posts from June, 2017

To Drown in the Stream of Consciousness

Oh, hi.  Remember me? I'm not a patient person. (I just got distracted.  Remember that song that starts out with the guy singing, "I'm not a perfect person... There's many things I wish I didn't do..."  How simpering does he sound?  He sounds so whiny and corny, right?  I love that song.  I actually do.  I wouldn't turn it off if it came on the radio because it's fun to sing, and it's all "AND THE REASON IS YOOOOU," and I believe in blaming or praising other people instead of taking credit or accountability, myself.) I'm kidding.   And kind of not. I'm a mess right now, because I'm sick and stressed out, and I've been trying this gluten-avoidance, low-sugar, low calorie, natural diet for almost three weeks now, and I've lost a grand total of four pounds, that's it. FOUR pounds. I'm swimming or working out every day, despite the fact that my feet hurt so bad some days I can barely walk.  (That's ...