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A haiku:

Two days gluten free.
I dream of breakfast pastries;
Do donuts miss me?

Honestly, it hasn't been that bad.  I have actually made it through 48 hours without gluten, and if you think that sounds simple, that just tells me (1) you're allowed to have it and (2) you've never tried cutting it as a lifestyle.

We started out bad (well, "bad") as the weekend came to an end, deciding to go ahead and have a "cheat" day on Sunday. Shasta D Zasta and I both had the day off from work, allowing us to go to the grocery store for veggies to prep food again. "Cheating" in this case meant spending money to eat outside of our home, rather than eating unhealthy food, though the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive concepts.  I had not yet had even one full day of cutting gluten, and the boys were going on about Steak N Shake or Firehouse Subs, and I knew they were going to eat there.  There was no way I was going to sit and watch them while I picked at something stupid like lettuce, so I figured one last sandwich wouldn't change much.

If you've never had Firehouse Subs, I pity you.  The meatball is particularly divine.  Here we are, toasting our half-eaten sandwiches, because we are happy birthday pigs who haven't eaten out in over a week.  (That's a big deal for us.)  Fifty six hours later, I still have kept my word to not have any gluten after the sandwich, so I don't terribly regret our little toast toast.

Cheers and farewell, bread, you delicious demon!

We had a very busy day, aside from grocery/veggie shopping.  I had scheduled us to meet with some very nice randos from Craigslist to buy their old sofa and loveseat.  They're getting married, which is very sweet, so they are combining households, and the bride is moving out of her house.  The couches were in her garage, sagging and smelling a bit of kerosene. Aesthetically, I can tell you they were ugly in a truly Southern way. (Think country-kitchen apple colors and stripes/plaid with wooden bulb shapes for feet).   The groom was bragging about the furniture's finer merits, how sturdy and reliable it was, how clean and, no shit, how "attached" he'd gotten to them in the "short time" they'd "been in the family."  

Spoiler:  There are mild stains, the pillow tassels are sad shreds, and the back cushions look like they have scoliosis.

I interrupted the man as he sang psalms about these angels of the living room.  "Listen," I said.  "They're older.  They're showing their wear.  It's fine.  It's a hundred bucks for both AND you're helping us move them.  We're good."  I smiled.  "We're good."

He looked relieved.  

And then he huffed and he puffed and he moved our house in.  Er, them into our house.  You know.

It actually looks like people live in our apartment now, and that's nice.  We cleaned 'em up a bit, we made it cozy, and in low light it looks downright ... fine.

For dinner, Shasta D Zasta made a ground turkey meat sauce and served it over pasta.  I put mine over green beans instead,  and I've been eating that for the past couple of days.   Monday and Tuesday lunch... sketti sauce, turkey meat, and green beans.  It doesn't sound exciting, but everyone walking into the break room exclaims over what smells so good, and it tastes even better.

For a snack, I ate another one of those Sargento's cheese/nuts/craisins things.

I admit I was starving after work.  I wanted to eat three of everything at Taco Bell, just for convenience and excess.  But rather than cave and swing through for a nightmare supreme, I did something amazingly respectable.  I cut up some cucumber, sliced some tomato, spooned out a little hummus, and surrounded all of it with fruit.  It was delicious and actually filling, particularly the green apples. Look at this rainbow of goodness!

Go fuck yourself, Taco Bell!  I'm an adult!

I'm not about to win any awards for these disgusting looking food pics, but you'll just have to trust me when I say nearly all of this stuff is delicious.

At any rate, today I did basically the same thing, except at dinner I ate a curried shrimp and vegetable thing we prepped, which I will also be eating for the next two days.  (zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper, onion, ginger, carrots, coconut milk, curry paste, turmeric, and shrimp.  squeeze a bit of sriracha on to remind you you're alive. Voila! So taste. Very excellence. Much delicious.)

Right before I started typing to you, I ate a Snickers.  A beautiful, sugar-filled, gluten-free Snickers. FFS.

I'm counting the last couple of days as a win.  I have tried motivating myself to cut gluten for AGES and can't get it started.  Two full days is a start.  On we go!  

(Thank you to those of you who check in.  Please comment for my vanity.  Your charity will earn you good karma.  Or my affection.  Your choice.)


  1. Your dinner photo looks pretty good to me! And a couple of days of win is definitely a good start! Go you!

    ps karma is definitely a second choice :)

  2. Here for karma, affection, and the reminder that I am he as you are he as you are me
    And we are all together.. Goo goo g'joob. I love you.



  3. I feel like my title should be Chef Shasta D. Zasta.

    Anyway, I'm proud of you!

  4. Love you! (I'm not sure why I'm showing up as horse chick, but it's Lisa Osbourn)


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